Gate Silver Alpha 1.05 Changes:

- Revamped the Home, Crafter, Goods Trader, and Coffee Shop Screens with new backgrounds and some modifications to the UI

- Added Ibari's New Art / Redesign

- Added The Unique Tablet Artifact that is unlocked after beating World 4. Function: If you have 3 copies of a Hero and their Loyalty is 5 or higher, you can spend Metal to get their Unique Weapon and Emblem, of which are the most powerful in the game.

- Modified the Hero Select UI, it's less decorative but it's easier to tell the difference between characters, this will look better in future as each Hero gets their own art.

- Modified Various UI elements

Plans for this week / upcoming weeks :

Continue to improve presentation, I also Have 1 more Artifact in mind that will be a huge addition to how progression in Gate Silver functions, that will be that last of the Artifacts for now and I will be then focusing on improving/modifying the current content of the game for a few weeks, So after next week there may be a small break where there are no major additions to the gameplay systems, but the tweaks and updates made to the current systems could very much improve aspects of the gameplay, make them more compelling, and give them more depth.

Other Logs:


Oct 29, 2020

Get Gate Silver Alpha

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